You have the right to return one or several products for a refund within 7 days after receiving your order. If you wish to return your order, please send it back to us and we will handle your return as soon as possible.

Before you return your order for a refund, please make sure that below is equal to the product you return:

  • The product is in the same condition as when it was received.

  • The product is in their original containers with labels intact and protective sticker

  • Products are purchased directly from our website

  • The product is not customized with personalized monogram

  • We do not accept gift card returns

To return you item please submit your return here:

If you are an international customer (outwith the UK) the cost of returning the order may be equal to the cost of the item itself and therefore we would advise you to not return the item due to the cost. If there are any specific defects in the item then please contact us via our customer support portal and click New Support Ticket.